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22 Oct Tehnologii și Solutii Inovatoare
roland 0 138
Romanian Security Fair București 2024 R&B Risk Management SRL & ANERSF rb-riskmanagement.com Securing Your World! Participarea la un târg de securitate fizică reprezintă o oportunitate importantă pentru companii și profesioniștii din domeniu de a explora cele mai recente tehnologii și soluții de pr..
16 Oct Tehnician pentru sisteme de detecție, supraveghere video și de monitorizare, control acces și comunicații
roland 1 156
Cursul de specializare TEHNICIAN PENTRU SISTEME DE DETECȚIE, SUPRAVEGHERE VIDEO, CONTROL ACCES Cod COR – 352130 este autorizat de Autoritatea Națională pentru Calificări (fostul CNFPA) și se adresează personalului tehnic din cadrul firmelor licențiate în domeniul sistemelor de securitate, cursul est..
02 Dec New Blog Post
roland 1 384
02 Aug Physical security risk analysis, mandatory from July 1, 2018
roland 0 473
Starting from July 1, 2018, all units are required to have a physical security risk analysis.As of July 1, 2018, the postponement of the deadline until which units established before June 16, 2012 were exempted from carrying out the physical security risk analysis ceased to have its effects.Thus, af..
02 Aug Romania, in the top of the fines for violating the GDPR
roland 0 447
The most important moment for companies in our country, after the entry into force of the GDPR, was on June 27, when the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data (ANSPDCP) imposed the first fine, in the amount of approximately 130,000 euros, for the violation of regulation ..
02 Aug IGPR warnings related to ATM safety
roland 0 388
The Romanian Police announces that it has intensified controls at ATMs to prevent theft. The police gave 15 fines for too long intervention times, but they also have some recommendations for the use of ATMs.The controls were organized to identify the vulnerabilities of bank machines, the way in whic..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)